Stem cell new use! Nature Subsidiary: Scientists find ways to regenerate muscle

Stem cell new use! Nature Subsidiary: Scientists find ways to regenerate muscle

December 28, 2017 Source: Biological Exploration of: M Kee

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Muscular dystrophy, or muscular dystrophy, is a hereditary disease characterized by progressive lesions in the skeletal muscle itself, causing the muscles to gradually degenerate and shrink. Although there is no cure, physical therapy or medication can alleviate the symptoms. A recent study by Northwestern University School of Medicine says that specially programmed stem cells offer the possibility of muscle regenerative therapy.

The findings were published in the journal Nature Communications. Dr. Elizabeth McNally, Professor of Genetic Medicine at Elizabeth J. Ward, is a collaborator of the study, and Dr. Mattia Quattrocelli, a postdoctoral fellow at McNally Labs, is also a collaborator of the study.

Past studies have shown that iPSC-derived stem cells (MIP) in mouse mesoderm can promote muscle regeneration in mice. However, it is unclear whether human MiPs have such potential.

To this end, scientists at the Northwestern University School of Medicine conducted experimental verification. They injected human MiP cells into a mouse model of muscle degeneration and found that the mice in the experimental group had increased heart volume and improved muscle structure compared to the untreated control group. When the concentration of MiP cells is lowered, the effect is reversed.

The images show that MiPs induce regeneration of heart and muscle tissue (green), and when MiPs are reduced, the regenerative tissue is destroyed. Image source: Northwest University

This result provides further evidence for the potential for regeneration of human MiPs. In addition, the study explored how to improve the ability of these stem cells to differentiate into skeletal muscle and myocardium.

McNally said: "Although we can differentiate stem cells into heart cells, it is not so easy to differentiate them into muscle cells. Perhaps, the use of MiP cells generated by vascular cells (MAB) in skeletal muscle is a viable solution."

The study also showed that these MAB-MiPs can produce more skeletal muscle cells than MiP from fibroblasts (a connective tissue cell). On the other hand, the ability to produce cardiomyocytes appears to be comparable between the two.

We understand that microRNAs (miRs) contribute to the epigenetic regulation of stem cell differentiation. In this study, stimulation of fibroblast MiPs with microRNA Cocktail showed greater potential, which greatly improved skeletal muscle differentiation of fibroblast MiPs, making it differentiated from MAB-MiPs.

In the future, in addition to newly injected stem cells, these microRNA Cocktails can also be used to mobilize existing stem cells, adding a new aura to muscle regenerative therapy.

Quattrocelli said: "One of the most innovative aspects of this study is to determine the role of microRNA Cocktail, thereby improving the inherent efficiency of human MiP in improving dystrophic muscle function. The next step is to use these findings to improve the safety of microRNA Cocktail therapy, and Make this new treatment closer to clinical standards.

McNally and Quattrocelli intend to continue exploring the regulation of microRNAs and the application of MiPs in muscle regeneration, hoping to be validated in larger animal models, ultimately benefiting more patients.

Quattrocelli said: "If safety and effective performance are proven in larger animal models, this cell-based approach can theoretically help fight many types of muscle degradation.

References: 1) Scientist reprogram stem cells to regenerate muscle in muscular dystrophy

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