Acupuncture points, brain vital points

With age, people's blood vessels are inevitably suffering from different degrees of "aging" phenomenon, especially in the elderly, due to the occurrence of atherosclerosis in the arteries and it is difficult to maintain healthy patency, brain cerebral infarction due to insufficient blood supply, brain atrophy Other cerebrovascular diseases are more common.

The elderly can keep their brains healthy by pressing the 瘛(chì) veins, which is located at the head of the human body, the central mastoid process behind the ear, between the angle of the Sunsong and the Koufeng, along the intersection of the middle and lower 1/3 of the helix. Department. Qiu Mai points is acupoints on the Hand Shaoyang Triple Coke Sutra, which nourishes the liver and kidney, calms the liver and yang, extinguishes the wind, and relieves wind phlegm. The moxibustion moxibustion at this point has a good preventive and therapeutic effect on cerebrovascular diseases in the middle-aged and the elderly, and it also has good curative effects on adolescent children's slang tics syndrome, cerebral palsy, and epilepsy. It can be said that Qiu Mai points are the key points for health care.

Pressing the pulse point, you can use the thumb pulp to press down, and make a circle massage, soft and uniform, with local acupuncture points to produce a sense of soreness degree, sooner or later, once every 3 to 5 minutes. (禤影妍)

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