Long-term use of proprietary Chinese medicine containing aspirin or cause clotting problems
Long-term use of proprietary Chinese medicine containing aspirin or cause clotting problems
October 18, 2016 Source: 澎湃 News Network
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According to a report on October 12, the State Food and Drug Administration issued a consumer warning to remind consumers to use Chinese patent medicines containing aspirin cautiously. Experts pointed out that long-term use of proprietary Chinese medicines containing aspirin may cause problems in blood clotting, so it should not Long-term use.
As a traditional antipyretic analgesic, aspirin is often added to many traditional Chinese medicines for the treatment of colds. Commonly, there are Chrysanthemum anti-flu tablets, Jinling cold tablets, and Suike cold tablets (capsules).
Experts pointed out that when taking Chinese patent medicines containing aspirin, you should pay attention to the following matters -
Should be used strictly in accordance with the instructions, avoid excessive medication. It should be taken with warm water after meals, and should not be taken on an empty stomach.
It is not allowed to reuse Chinese patent medicines containing aspirin. It is not advisable to use other antipyretic analgesics or Western medicine preparations containing aspirin.
Drinking alcoholic or alcoholic beverages should be prohibited when taking proprietary Chinese medicines containing aspirin.
Children with aspirin and other infectious diseases should try to avoid or not take proprietary Chinese medicines containing aspirin.
Pregnant women and lactating women should try to avoid taking proprietary Chinese medicines containing aspirin.
Gout patients, chronic or recurrent gastric or duodenal lesions, asthma and other allergic reactions should be used with caution.
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