Early morning prevention of orchard pests

I. Clear Garden: The orchard that is not completely clean in the winter is to be completely removed and the weeds in the garden removed. Second, the spray lime sulfur agent: In the fruit before sprouting, timely spraying a 3 ~ 5 Baume degrees of lime sulfur agent, for control of scale insects, spider mites, powdery mildew, apple ringworm disease have good results. Third, scraping governance rot disease: From mid-February on, check the occurrence of rot disease, found that lesions in time cure. The curettage should be small and the diseased tissue should be scraped. After scraping, the wound is protected with a medicament, which can be used as a 843 healing agent, a rust-removing coating agent, and a high-grade medicated solution. Fourth, the tree spray: spray before and after the flowering time 400 times to 500 times the Beatrice biological insecticide acaricide. It can prevent pests such as leaf roller insects and aphids, and sprays should be carefully and evenly applied. Fifth, the ground spray: Early flowering orchard ground spray 4.5% of the enemy powder 2 kg to 2.5 kg, can also be used 500 times phoxim spray after the drug shallow into the soil, the effect of the control of the beetle is very good. 6. Top-dressing watering: One month before the sprouting of fruit trees, 0.5 kg per plant of Gaomei complex fertilizer can be applied in the root area of ​​the fruit trees and watered after application. For zinc deficiency orchard, a 0.5% zinc sulfate solution can be sprayed half a month after fruit sprouting, which can prevent apple lobular disease.

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