New technology improves the efficiency of drug synthesis with bacteria
New technology improves the efficiency of drug synthesis with bacteria
March 09, 2018 Source: Xinhuanet
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In order for bacterial cells to produce the compounds required by humans, they are implanted in specific "production lines." The external "production line" will compete with the bacteria itself for some important resources. Therefore, it is necessary to rationally allocate limited resources and maximize production efficiency while maintaining the normal life of the bacteria.
Researchers at the University of Warwick and the University of Surrey in the UK reported in the journal Nature Communications that they designed a new system to dynamically allocate the ribosomes in the cell, which is responsible for protein production.
The number of ribosomes in bacterial cells is limited. If the external "production line" occupies too much ribosome, it will endanger the survival of the bacteria itself and cause the system to collapse. Researchers use specially designed ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules to regulate and call more ribosomes to the "production line" when resources are abundant and demanding, and the "production line" operation is automatically suppressed when resources are tight.
The system has achieved initial success in experiments with E. coli. Researchers say such research will help understand how cells respond to resource constraints and improve synthesis efficiency during evolution.
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