What are the main forces of the ore particles in the magnetic separation machine?
In the industrial production of mines, we inevitably use magnetic separation technology. The use of the magnetic separator also increases the economic efficiency of the mine, the working principle of the new high-efficiency magnetic separator and the analysis of the selection process. The magnetic desilting tank of the magnetic separator is a sorting device for the combined action of gravity. In the magnetic desilting tank, the forces that the ore particles receive in the magnetic separation machine are mainly:
(1) Gravity - the ore particles are subjected to gravity to produce a sinking force;
(2) Magnetic force—the magnetic force that the magnetic ore particles receive in the magnetic field in the magnetic separator slot, the direction is perpendicular to the equal magnetic field strength line, pointing to the place where the magnetic field strength is high;
(3) Uplifting water flow force - The ore particles are subjected to the direction of water flow in the magnetic separator tank.
The magnetic demagnetization tank of the magnetic separator in the production process, the gravity acts to sink the ore particles, and the magnetic action of the magnetic separator accelerates the downward sedimentation of the magnetic ore particles to attract around the surface of the magnetic system, and the action of the rising water flow prevents the non-magnetic The sedimentation of the fine-grained gangue and slime causes them to rise into the overflow and separate from the magnetic ore. At the same time, the action of rising water flow can also make the magnetic ore particles loose, and flush out the gangue mixed therein, thereby improving the grade of the concentrate. The application of the magnetic separator greatly improves the efficiency of the sorting of concentrates.
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