Acupuncture therapy fire needle therapy

Core Tip: Acupuncture in the fire needle treatment is a very peculiar treatment, a small fire needle, adjustable internal organs, internal and external treatment of women and children and other diseases.

Acupuncture and fire needle therapy compared with drugs, fire needle therapy has the advantages of low cost, quick effect, short course of treatment, high safety. The following experts introduced the history of the fire pin, the mechanism of action, the scope of treatment, and taboos.

Fire acupuncture therapy belongs to the category of acupuncture, which refers to a method of treating diseases by rapidly pricking acupuncture points or certain parts after burning special red needles. "Huang Di Nei Jing" first proposed the fire needle therapy, which is called the "Zi needle" and the "quenching". There is a preliminary description of the needle, the method of acupuncture, and its indications and contraindications. "Qian Jin Yao Fang" was first known as "Fire Needle." It further described the operation skills of the fire needle and expanded the scope of treatment. The name "fire pin" is still in use today.

Fire needle therapy has been developed over the ages, but unprecedented progress has been made after the founding of New China. Among them, the He's Fire Needle and Shi Shi's Fire Needle have the most influence. Through the promotion of medical experts, this ancient therapy has been rejuvenated. For decades, Chinese medical experts not only insisted on the use of fire needles in the treatment of various diseases in clinical practice, of which the warm-pass method is fire needle therapy. While elucidating the principle of fire needle therapy and regulating the method of fire needle operation, the scope of surgical operation and the range of indications have been expanded, and fire needles have been widely used in clinical diseases. The experts continued to improve, improve needles, improve methods of operation, focus on differentiating and applying needles, selecting needles for diseases, combining meridianology with anatomy, and comprehensively using various methods of acupuncture.

Combines the effectiveness of needles and moxibustion

Since it is acupuncture, why use a needle? What are the special effects of fire needles? Experts explained that fire needles are a combination of acupuncture and moxibustion. This type of therapy takes advantage of the power of "fire" and combines the efficacy of acupuncture with moxibustion. It directly stimulates the body's qi, inner temperature, internal organs, and yang, which helps prevent and cure diseases.

In local terms, fire needles can warm the meridians, accelerate local blood flow, improve microcirculation, eliminate phlegm, disperse cold, get wet, poison, and ache. Therefore, the clinical use of fire acupuncture points for local treatment of various types of sores, hernia, herpes zoster, etc., the effect is fast and good.

In the overall aspect, after being stimulated by fire needles, the local stimuli and the conduction induction of the meridians can regulate the body's qi and blood, body fluids, yin and yang, and qi machines, which not only restore the functional activities of the human organs, but also make yin and yang relatively balanced. For example, many people have local or generalized pain because the pain is mainly caused by cold and evil spirits. The heat of the fire needle can warm the meridians and encourage the body's yang to rise, so as to disperse the cold evils, reconcile the context, and stop the pain. The overall effect.

From a modern medical point of view, fire acupuncture therapy can regulate the function of multiple human body systems, enhance the body's immune function, and promote metabolism and cell repair.

Fire needle treatment should follow doctor's schedule

Chinese medicine believes that "the wind is the itch." The fire needle has the effect of evacuating the outside wind, extinguishing the inner wind, and relieving itching. The treatment of fire needles can be directly vented, so that the wind evil from the table; but also can make the local flow of blood is normal, it is necessary to maintain the itch and stop.

In fact, fire acupuncture can cure many difficult conditions. Such as kidney yang deficiency patients with low back pain, impotence, nocturnal emission and other symptoms, the use of fire needles point Shenshu, life points and other points, can play the role of kidney impotence, spleen and stomach Yang who have stomach cramps cold pain, gastroptosis and other symptoms, The fire needles are used to pierce the points inside the spleen, spleen, and scrofula. They can be warmly transported in the middle of the coke, rise to the yang, and eliminate cold evil. Deficiency of the heart is associated with chest pain, heart palpitations, and other symptoms. Fire acupuncture at Xinyu, Neiguan, and the precordial area can be strong and healthy.

Although the fire acupuncture therapy has rot pus, clearing heat and detoxifying, firming and disintegrating, muscle-stretching sores, and antispasmodic and antispasmodic effects, the experts remind everyone that not everyone is accustomed to the treatment of fire needles, such as psoriasis and flattening. The use of fire needles should not be used during the episode of acute skin diseases; fire needles should be used with caution on the face; firearms should be used with caution in elderly and infirm and children and pregnant women; mental stress and intoxication should be disabled; and critically ill patients such as heart, liver, and kidneys Injury, diabetics, etc., use fire needles with caution. Is it suitable for fire needle treatment? Experts suggest that we must go to a regular hospital, follow the arrangements of doctors, and treat them with the help of professionals.

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