


This product is the dry root and rhizome of Rheum palmatum L., Rheum tanguticum Maxim. ex Balf. or Rheum officinale Baill. In the late autumn, the stems and leaves wither or dig up before the next spring sprouting, remove the fine roots, scrape off the skin, cut the petals or segments, and string the strings to dry or directly dry.


This product is cylindrical, conical, oval or irregular block, 3 ~ 17cm in length, diameter 3 ~ 10cm. In addition to the outer surface of the skin yellow-brown to reddish-brown, some visible white mesh texture and stars (special vascular bundle) scattered in the residual skin brown, a lot of rope holes and rough wrinkles. Solid quality, some of the center is slightly soft, the profile is reddish-brown or yellow-brown, showing graininess; the pith of the rhizome is broad, with a ring of stars or scattered; the root wood is developed, with radial texture, the layered ring is obvious, there is no star point . Gas fragrance, bitter and slightly astringent, chewing sticky teeth, a sense of sand.


Cross-section of this product: Most of the cork layer and cortex have been removed. The phloem is obvious; parenchyma is well developed. Layer formation loop. Xylem radiation is dense, wide 2 to 4 columns of cells, containing brown matter; catheter non-wood, often 1 to several aggregation, sparsely arranged. Parenchyma cells contain calcium oxalate clusters and contain most starch grains. The rhizome's pith is broad, and the common mucus cavity contains reddish-brown substances; the heterogeneous vascular bundles are scattered, forming a layer of rings. The xylem is located on the outer side of the formation layer, the phloem is located in the formation layer, and the rays are star-shaped. Powder yellow brown. Calcium oxalate clusters

Rhubarb - Shape

Rhubarb - Shape

Crystal diameter 20 ~ 160μm, and some to 190μm. Contralateral pits, reticulates, threads and rings are non-wooden. A lot of starch grains, single spherical or polygonal, diameter 3 ~ 45μm, umbilical point star; complex grain from 2 to 8 minutes.

Take a small amount of this product powder, micro sublimation, visible diamond needle crystal or pinnate crystal.

Take this product powder 0.1g, add methanol 20ml immersed for 1 hour, filtered, take the filtrate 5ml, steam and dry 10ml to dissolve, add hydrochloric acid 1ml, set on the water bath to heat for 30 minutes, immediately cooled, extracted twice with ethyl ether, Each time 20 ml was combined, the ether solution was combined and evaporated to dryness. The residue was dissolved in 1 ml of chloroform and used as a test solution. Another rhubarb reference drug 0.1g, with the legal system as a reference drug solution. Then take the rhein control, add methanol to make a solution containing 1 mg per 1 ml as a control solution. According to the thin layer chromatography (Appendix VIB) test, 4 μl of each of the above three solutions was pipetted and spotted on the same silica gel H-thin plate with sodium carboxymethyl cellulose as the binder, using petroleum ether (30-60°C). The upper layer of ethyl formate-formic acid (155:1) was used as a developing solution, developed, removed, air-dried, and viewed under a UV lamp (365 nm). In the chromatogram of the test sample, the same five spots of orange-yellow fluorescence were observed at the position corresponding to the chromatogram of the reference drug; the same orange-yellow fluorescent spot was observed at the position corresponding to the chromatogram of the reference substance, and the ammonia vapor was smoked. After the daylight inspection, the spots turned red.

an examination

Antagonin to take this product powder 0.2g, add methanol 2ml, warm immersed for 10 minutes, let cool, take the supernatant 10μl, point on the filter paper, 45% ethanol, take out, dry, place for 10 minutes, set the UV Lights (365nm) under inspection, can not show long-lasting bright purple fluorescence.

Loss on Drying Take this product and dry it at 105°C for 6 hours. The weight loss should not exceed 15.0% (Appendix IX G).

Total ash must not exceed 10.0% (Appendix IXK).

The acid-insoluble ash should not exceed 0.8% (Appendix IX K).

Determination of content

According to high performance liquid chromatography (Appendix VID) determination.

Chromatographic conditions and system suitability test octadecylsilane bonded silica gel as a filler; methanol-0.1% phosphoric acid solution (85:15) as the mobile phase; detection wavelength of 254nm. The number of theoretical plates should not be less than 1500 based on emodin peak calculations.

Preparation of reference solution Weigh accurately 5 mg each of emodin and chrysophanol reference substance, place it in a 50-ml volumetric flask, dissolve with methanol and dilute to the mark, and shake well; quantify the emodin solution by 1 ml and the chrysophanol solution by 2 ml, respectively. Separately place a 25 ml bottle, add methanol to the mark, and shake it up. (Emodin contains 4 μg per 1 ml, and chrysophanol contains 8 μg per 1 ml).

Preparation of the test solution to take this product powder (through the No. 4 sieve) about 0.1g [at the same time another product powder to determine moisture (Appendix IXH second method)], accurately weighed, set 50ml Erlenmeyer, precision plus Methanol 25ml, weighed, heated to reflux for 30 minutes, let cool, weigh again, make up for lost weight with methanol, shake well, filter, quantify and purify 5ml, place in a 50ml round bottomed flask, swing away Add methanol, add 2.5mol/L sulphuric acid solution 10ml, sonicate for 5 minutes, add chloroform 10ml, heat reflux for 1 hour, cool, transfer to separatory funnel, wash the container with a small amount of chloroform, and combine it into a separatory funnel. Chloroform layer, the acid solution was extracted twice with chloroform, about 8 ml each time. The chloroform solution was combined and dehydrated with anhydrous sodium sulfate. The chloroform solution was transferred to a 100 ml Erlenmeyer flask. The chloroform was evaporated and the residue was accurately added with 10 ml of methanol. The weight was weighed. , Set the water bath in the micro-thermal dissolution of the residue, let cool, and then weighed, with methanol to make up for lost weight, shake, filtration, and take the filtrate, that is, too.

The assay accurately absorbs 5 μl of each of the above two reference solutions and the test solution, and injects them into the liquid chromatograph for determination.

This product is calculated on dry products, the total amount of emodin (C15H10O5) and chrysophanol (C15H10O4) should not be less than 0.05%.


Rhubarb removes impurities, cleans, moistens, cuts thick pieces or pieces, and dries.

Rhubarb is taken as a net rhubarb tablet and fried according to the recipe for wine (Appendix IID).

Cook the rhubarb to remove the rhubarb pieces and stew or steam them to black inside and outside according to the stew or steaming method (Appendix II D).

Rhubarb charcoal to take net rhubarb tablets, according to the fried charcoal method (Appendix IID) fry the surface to black, internal coke.

Medication identification

Rhubarb diarrhea under the strong, so they want to attack the next students should use, into the soup should be after the next, or with open blisters; long fried will reduce the power of diarrhea. Rhubarb rhubarb diarrhea weaker, blood circulation is good, easy to stagnate blood. Rhubarb charcoal is mostly used for hemorrhage.

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