Tiantan Hospital pilots new diabetes treatment

Tiantan Hospital pilots new diabetes treatment

May 11, 2015

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The latest diabetes treatment technology, the implantable gastric contraction regulator system, is currently being piloted in Tiantan Hospital. More than 70% of patients treated with new treatments have reduced blood sugar and lost weight.

Professor Bai Rixing, the general surgeon of the hospital, said that the implantable gastric contraction regulator system is a new method for treating type 2 diabetes through gastric electrical stimulation. The doctor implants the gastric contractility regulator system into the patient through minimally invasive surgery. When the patient is eating, the system senses the food and sends a signal to the patient's stomach to increase the contractile force of the stomach and feed back signals to the brain. It quickly produces satiety and reduces food intake. At the same time, it promotes the simultaneous secretion of gastrointestinal hormones, which has a positive effect on glucose and fat metabolism. The implantable gastric contraction regulator system can help patients control their blood sugar, with significantly less trauma than bariatric surgery, and can be used in non-obese patients with type 2 diabetes (normal body mass index).

Currently, more than 300 diabetic patients in the United States, Israel, Germany, Poland, Italy, France, Hong Kong, India, Austria, Italy, and Romania have received implantable gastric contraction regulator systems. After a long follow-up of 8 years after treatment, 83% of patients had control and improvement of blood glucose, and 85% of patients lost about 5 kg to 10 kg. 73% of patients have reduced blood sugar and weight loss, and the metabolic syndrome is improved. At present, the operation is approved by the relevant national authorities and can be carried out in China.

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