Playing live medical doctor images in medical care is so capricious!

Medical image is so capricious!

The medical field has always been insulated from the “explosive” products. Will the live broadcast offer a subversive opportunity? This is an attempt to make a medical image of the SaaS live cloud service in the medical industry . Considering both the demand and the supply side, the entry point of the medical image is the live broadcast of the medical conference.

From the demand side of academic conferences, doctors are the most important demand group. People's rising medical needs are in need of more high-quality doctors. A good doctor also needs to keep learning for life. On the one hand, it is a solid clinical practice, and on the other hand, it needs to pay attention to the academic progress of the industry. Academic conferences are the main distribution center for such information, but the cost of on-site participation is high. Medical Imaging hopes to reduce the cost of participating doctors through online conferences, and to launch a medical conference cloud-medical conference live cloud, medical classroom-online medical training/education service platform.

At the organization end of the academic conference, the most important one is from pharmaceutical manufacturers. And driven by marketing goals, pharmaceutical manufacturers are extremely active in organizing academic conferences. Li Qiang, founder and CEO of Medical Imaging, told 36 that “only one multinational large-scale pharmaceutical company has reached 10,000 academic conferences in 2015.” In addition to pharmaceutical manufacturers, doctors/medical institutions will also have needs. , exchange academic achievements, display clinical skills, and establish personal brands.

It is easy to think that pharmaceutical manufacturers will become an important source of income for medical imaging. Low-cost live broadcast technology can help pharmaceutical manufacturers to achieve more accurate dissemination and wider coverage. At present, Medical Imaging has already carried out business cooperation with pharmaceutical manufacturers, and more than 3,000 doctors from the top three hospitals have gathered on the platform.

There are many startup companies that focus on doctor resources, including clove gardens, medical associations, almond doctors, apricot forests, etc., as well as companies specializing in marketing, such as edoctor. The main difference between the medical and medical images is that it provides the live broadcast function of the mobile phone mobile terminal; 2. The live broadcast is provided by the Saas self-service platform service; the live broadcast of the most popular content dissemination method has given it a very good application in the medical field. The large imagination space, Saas self-service capacity greatly reduces the application threshold and cost of real-time live broadcast in the medical industry.

Live broadcast can be applied in clinical rounds, surgery, lectures and academic conferences, and quickly form a closed loop of content production. Doctors do not have to perform format conversion, compression, editing, uploading and other cumbersome operations on videos. Just lift the mobile phone and you can broadcast the medical wonderful. Whether live broadcasts may become a new tool for doctors to learn, research, treat, and socialize more easily, and thus better serve doctors of different professions and levels. This is also the direction of medical imaging. Li Qiang said that by the end of this year, the target is 5-10 million people at the grassroots level, and 10,000 doctors in the top three hospitals have initially established a user ecology.

On the other hand, from past experience, whether in the medical field or other fields, it is difficult for a simple expert platform to establish a broad and active user ecosystem. For doctors, if the platform can not expand to provide value for patients, it will also affect the scope and enthusiasm of the product. This limits the range of services and value benefits for doctors and their B-end enterprise users.

According to this logic, it will be a high probability event for the future medical image to break through the scope of the doctor community to provide services directly to patients. The only suspense is that how the live broadcast will serve the communication between doctors and patients.

The medical team is composed of a group of members from Huawei, Siemens, Tongren Hospital, Baidu and other multi-industry diversified companies. It is a technology-led Internet medical company that masters core technologies in cloud computing, big data and streaming media. ability. CEO Li Qiang is a senior technical background from Huawei. The medical director Li Jipeng is an ophthalmologist from Tongren. The marketing director Shao Xuejie has worked at Siemens for nearly 20 years. Hejie Imaging is seeking pre-A round financing.

API Powder (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient)

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients refer to the raw materials used in the production of various preparations. They are the effective ingredients in the preparations. They are various powders, crystals, extracts, etc., prepared by chemical synthesis, plant extraction or biotechnology, but Substances that the patient cannot take directly.

According to its source,Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients are divided into two categories: synthetic chemical drugs and natural chemical drugs.Chemical synthetic drugs can be divided into inorganic synthetic drugs and organic synthetic drugs. Inorganic synthetic drugs are inorganic compounds (extremely elements), such as aluminum hydroxide and magnesium trisilicate used to treat gastric and duodenal ulcers; organic synthetic drugs are mainly composed of basic organic chemical raw materials, through a series of organic Drugs made by chemical reactions (such as aspirin, chloramphenicol, caffeine, etc.).

Natural chemical drugs can also be divided into biochemical drugs and phytochemical drugs according to their sources.Antibiotics are generally made by microbial fermentation, which belongs to the category of biochemistry.In recent years, many semisynthetic antibiotics are the combination of biosynthesis and chemosynthesis.Among APIs, organic synthetic drugs account for the largest proportion in variety, yield and output value, which is the main pillar of chemical pharmaceutical industry.The quality of API determines the quality of preparation, so its quality standards are very strict. All countries in the world have formulated strict national pharmacopoeia standards and quality control methods for its widely used API

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient,API powder,minoxidil,monobenzone

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