2016Q2 medical health industry WeChat public number data insight report

[Soon] released the "2016Q2 Medical Health Industry WeChat Public Number Data Insight Report". According to the report, with the changes in the solar terms, the publicity of the 2016Q2 medical health industry has strengthened the popularity of information such as weight loss and health care, and the number of documents has increased by 5.4% compared with Q1. However, the reading effect did not rise according to the trend of temperature. The excessive amount of articles caused the reading of the article to be limited, and the average reading volume dropped back compared with Q1.

2016Q2 medical health industry WeChat public number data insight report

2016Q2 medical health industry WeChat public number data insight report

2016Q2 medical health industry WeChat public number data insight report

2016Q2 medical health industry WeChat public number data insight report

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