Baby constipation how to diet
Constipation is a problem that many babies often encounter. Even if the baby is defecate every day, when the baby is found to be too hard, or when the baby's face is difficult and painful during defecation, the Ma Ma must also take certain measures. According to the causes of constipation, Ma Ma can relieve symptoms, so that the baby can easily defecate.
Dietary constipation
When your baby ingests too much fat or protein from the diet, or if the dietary fiber intake is insufficient, it can easily cause constipation or difficulties in defecation. In addition, the ingestion of too little food, allergy to milk, etc. is also the main cause of dietary constipation.
In this regard, mothers can start with a diet to allow babies to try ingredients that can soften stools or promote gastrointestinal motility, or foods with a comfortable formula. For milk allergies, you can ask the doctor to choose milk powder that does not cause allergies.
Hypohydric constipation
When the baby's intake of breast milk is obviously insufficient, or if the baby is not replenished in time, it can easily cause water deficit constipation. To prevent this, the mother needs to confirm the hardness of the baby's stool every day. When it is too hard, it can increase the amount of milk or the amount of milk, or it can slightly add water.
Habitual constipation
When your baby has long-term constipation due to lack of water or dietary intake, it can easily become habitual constipation. Or because of uncomfortable bowel movements, it will gradually form habitual constipation.
To cope with this situation, as with dietary constipation and low-water constipation, it is appropriate to supplement water or supplement foods that promote intestinal motility. If the situation does not improve, you should consult your doctor to see if you need medication.
Intestinal constipation
The bowel is already very long, and peristalsis, congenital constitution or illness can all cause constipation. Therefore, mothers should keep their babies in a regular life, pay attention to water intake and dietary structure, and relieve the constipation of babies through massage.
If the baby's constipation does not improve afterwards, it is recommended that you take your baby to consult with your doctor to see if you need medication.
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